


Stines Family Dentistry in Howell, Michigan, are experts in managing all aspects of oral health for the entire family. We provide education on healthy oral hygiene habits and provide bi-annual cleanings and check-ups to try to prevent plaque and bacteria from causing damage to the teeth.

Six-month professional cleanings are recommended to remove stubborn plaque from the teeth that even diligent brushing cannot remove. Removing plaque from teeth is extremely important because it causes bacteria to grow and attacks the tooth enamel. The damage done to the enamel is called tooth decay or a cavity. During a professional cleaning, the teeth are checked for any cavities that may have developed in the previous months.

When a cavity is discovered, it needs to be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading wider and possibly deeper. Untreated cavities can spread large enough to cause infection or even tooth loss.

Treating a cavity involves removing the tooth decay and then “filling” it with special dental material that hardens and reshapes the tooth. The types of fillings available vary in strength and color, but Dr. Stines can help decide which is best for the location of the cavity in the patient’s mouth.

Call 517-552-9210 to make an appointment.