


Dentures are the most common form of tooth replacement and are available in two different configurations to restore your smile.

A complete set of dentures replaces an entire row of teeth, whether on the top or bottom (or both, if needed). If the remaining teeth in one row (or arch) are damaged or infected, they will need to be removed before fitting for these dentures.

A partial set of dentures replaces several teeth missing in a single arch but leaves space for the remaining healthy teeth.

Both sets of dentures attach replacement teeth to a skin-colored plate. The plate is custom-made for the patient’s mouth. Wires are used to attach to the remaining teeth in a partial set. Both types of dentures are removable for easy cleaning.

Dentures are removed each night before bed and stored in water to prevent them from drying out. A soft brush is used to gently clean them before placing them into the water, and effervescent cleaning tablets are available to aid in cleaning and bacteria removal. It is important to allow the mouth time to relax and undergo its own cleaning processes while sleeping.

Stines Family Dentistry provides complete and partial dentures in Howell, Michigan.